February Council

This took place yesterday and was the budget setting for 2012-13. You will probably already have seen the news that the Cornwall Council part of Council Tax will be frozen for another year, which is good news for those who are struggling. Other good news is that extra money has been made available for Adult Social Care for this year at least and a major new Housing Investment plan received approval including the aim to build more homes, particularly for rent, to help with the provision of disabled facilities (hand rails, stairlifts, wet rooms etc). Also within this plan is better provision for gypsies and travellers and the thing I have been pursuing – insulation for park homes.

Lack of information around how budgets are arrived at and where the money will come from makes it difficult to give an overall view of the budget. There will be areas which suffer as a result I have no doubt but until the new financial year and the fallout from changes I will reserve judgement on the totality.