Goodbye to a great project

Geology Walk around Liskeard

Yesterday we saw the last event of the Caradon Hill Area Heritage Project.The exhibition in Stuart House showcased the work of the community groups set up during its life. I was struck that there is a connecting thread to the wide range of interests in the groups.

The Geology of the land beneath it shaped the landscape we live in today and the Habitats and Wildlife which live in them. The rocks and minerals permitted the development of Mines and Miners whose lives and deeds are our History and Heritage.

Launch of the APPs

The deaths of those same people are the basis of the Cornish Graves recording and our local Writers incorporate this into their stories. Even our ancient ancestors used the landscape in their measurement of passing time and as an Observatory.

The project and its partnership groups have and continue to explore all these diverse strands of the natural and social history of the Caradon Hill area

History Box launch at Liskeard Museum