Report from Neighbourhood Plan Public Meeting

The public meeting was great. A really big thank you to all those ladies and gentlmen who brought cakes to share with all. There was such variety that there were plenty for all. Also thank you to the developers and their agents who came to show what they planned.

Copied below is the report which was given to the Parish Council at their July meeting. We were fortunate to have so many community minded people willing to join the Steering Group but ideally we should like to see people from Commonmoor, Crows Nest and the more distant areas of the parish join in. Please let me know if you would like to be included and I will add your email to the list.Notes from the Public meeting 18th July at the Memorial Hall, St Cleer starting at 6.30pm

The meeting was advertised via an invitation leaflet drop to the dwellings of the parish and via banners located on the access roads.

From 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm: Various maps of the Parish were on display including a map showing the 5 sites where land owners had registered with Cornwall Council, land in the parish for possible development. A poster board and flip chart, where the public could leave comments and questions was also available.

Refreshments were served during this period. The 4 members of the Steering Group and Representatives of the proposed developments (Horizon Farm Site Bakers Hill and Hendra Site Darite) were available to discuss and answer questions from the public.

The poster note comments are published on the “Derris Watson” “Comments from the Neighbourhood plan meeting” website.

(There were 65 attendees at the meeting)                     The meeting opened at 7:30pm.

Cornwall Cllr. Derris Watson opened the meeting by welcoming and thanking everyone for their attendance. Representatives of two of the proposed development sites in the parish were in attendance. (Two other possible developers had declined to attend).

Cllr (Mrs) Watson reported that she spoke at the Cornwall Council Planning Committee Meeting as the Ward Member (and for the Parish Council) re the Planning Application for 30 dwellings at the Penhale site. The speech is published on the “Derris Watson” “No room for Local Voices” website.)

Mr Steve Keeley (who spoke as a member of the public at the Planning Committee meeting) was invited to make his report:

The Planning Application was Approved. The votes were 7 for and 7 against, the chairman of the committee then gave his casting vote in favour of the application.

During the discussion at the committee meeting it was pointed out that St Cleer did not have any written evidence showing that a Neighbourhood Development Plan was being progressed. Also the Housing Officer reported that there were 30 applicants for the remaining 3 available dwellings at the Caradon View development site. These were considered as being significant factors affecting the decision of the committee.

Disappointment was expressed that the Parish Council had not sent a member to speak at the committee meeting.

Comments from the floor expressed that public objections to the application appeared to have been a waste of time.

The importance of progressing a Neighbourhood Development Plan was emphasised.

There was a call for a vote for the requirement to progress a NDP. A show of hands indicated that the majority were in favour of progressing the NDP (There were no votes against).

Attendees were then invited to join the Steering Group. 12 parishioners offered to assist with the NDP (as detailed on the attached attendance list) and have joined the existing 4 parish council members on the Steering Group.

Following questions from the floor, it was explained that:

The NDP would take approximately two years to produce and that the final stage would involve a Referendum of the Parish to accept or not the proposed plan.

It was explained that the plan required a bottom up approach and that Community involvement was essential at ALL stages.

It was further explained that in the interim period and before final adoption, that the further the plan is developed with documentary evidence, that the greater the weight would be given to it, when planning applications were being considered.

Cllr Watson reported that an application for funding to cover part of the costs of the NDP would be made.

It was suggested that George Truebody, who is coordinating the Rame Penisular NDP, be invited to give a presentation to the members of the community on the subject.

A call for a vote re this suggestion was made. Again a show of hands indicated that the majority were in favour and that there were no votes against.

Representatives of St Neot Parish Council indicated that St Neot would be willing to work together with St Cleer on common issues for the development of the NDPs  and that there could be some mutual advantages by working together. It was also suggested that Warrleggan could also be included. This matter would be decided after further consideration.

It was reported that the community would be kept up to date with the progress of the NDP via regular public meetings (say every 2 months) and the Derris Watson 5 Face book, where they could also post comments.

Details would be published via the next leaflet distribution.

The meeting closed at 8:35pm.